mac or windows

mac or windows magazine search results

App Developer Magazine issues we found relating to mac or windows

Nov13 Issue: Mac or Windows: The Best Platform for App Development

Get the most from your app with incredible how to's and articles in our November 2013 issue which includes articles on Performance Testing, App Loyalty, Platform Choice, Requirements Gathering, and tons of other great tips and articles, along with industry spotlights that will help you maximize profits this holiday season.

mac or windows news search results

Developer news items we found relating to mac or windows

1 results

Docker for Mac and Windows Released in Beta

Friday, March 25, 2016 by

Docker has released in beta Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows which offer software architecture changes made to optimize Docker for an OS-native experience. As a native Mac and Windows app, Docker can now be installed, launched and utilized from a system toolbar just like any other packaged application available in native App Stores.Docker for Mac and Windows includ...