language recognition

language recognition news search results

Developer news items we found relating to language recognition

5 results

AI is a game changer

Monday, February 6, 2023 by

Even though the industry has been talking about AI for many years, the trifecta of massive amounts of data available through the rise of the internet, the dramatic increase in processing power fueled by GPUs originally designed for gaming, and steady advances in software algorithms to analyze and use that data will result in the power of AI is more fully realized across...


The changes in iOS 12 for developers

Monday, October 1, 2018 by

It's here, iOS 12 - Apple's latest operating system, and it's chalked full of changes in everything from the user experience to under the programming hood. Along with the new OS, Apple has also released a new round of hardware, most notably with bigger screen sizes, a faster A12 chip, and the new Apple watch series 4. We've all seen the key note int...


Neural network predictions know when companies are being mentioned

Thursday, September 13, 2018 by

Accurately gauging how the public views your company can be a difficult task, at best. But Vainu's is on a mission to "build the most comprehensive database of all the companies in the world." A crucial part of this mission is having the ability to determine when companies are being mentioned in natural language. Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a subset ...


Oracle weighs in on chatbots for enterprise developers

Tuesday, December 5, 2017 by

From self-service to instant payments, the chatbot industry has seen great things from the latest advents in the field of AI. That's why we sat down with Oracle to learn more about how with all these new changes in the messaging industry enterprise can see the value that can be attained by adoption.We recently had a conversation with Suhas Uliyar, Vice President, A...


Voximplant to use the Google Cloud Speech API in their platform

Friday, October 28, 2016 by

Voximplant has announced that they will leverage the Google Cloud Speech API as part of the Voximplant platform.As Voximplant expands, the cloud communications company has steadily implemented platform additions that meet new developer needs and improve the quality of the service. Here is a rundown on what you can expect from their new product from a developer's perspec...