lack of developers

lack of developers news search results

Developer news items we found relating to lack of developers

2 results

Lack of Developers Causing Backlog of Apps in the Enterprise

Tuesday, November 4, 2014 by

New research conducted by the research firm Opinion Matters on behalf of OutSystems indicates that a shortage of mobile app developers is causing a backlog of apps.The research shows that 85% of organizations surveyed have a mobile app backlog of between one and 20 applications. It also shows that 92% of the survey respondents said developer vacancies constituted betwee...


Lack of Developers could kill Windows phone and RIM

Friday, November 30, 2012 by

You know the old phrase "Too many big chiefs and not enough little indians"? That may be what is happening in the Windows and RIM world as it compares to the other mobile platforms. There just aren't enough developers to go around! Everyone thinks that the device with the most bells and whistles the one that will win the hearts of consumers but alas - it's not the bells...