iphone6 plus

iphone6 plus news search results

Developer news items we found relating to iphone6 plus

2 results

iPhone 6 Plus Versus iPhone 6: Why iPhone 6 Plus Wins While iOS 8 Adoption Still Lags

Friday, November 21, 2014 by

The results are in! AppLovin conducted a recent Data Desk report of the iPhone 6 versus the iPhone 6 Plus usage and the iOS 7 adoption versus iOS 8 adoption percentages for the first 45 days of consumer use. AppLovin processes over 25 billion ad requests daily. The findings were discovered based on this data. The report revealed key usage insights in...


Apple Announcement Goes As Predicted With iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, New Apple Watch, iOS 8 and Apple Pay

Tuesday, September 9, 2014 by

As most pundits predicted, there were no shocking developments with Apple’s news announcement as the company introduced two new iPhone 6 models, a new smart-watch, dates for the availability of iOS 8 and a new payment system, Apple Pay.We’ll have more coverage of each aspect of this announcement, however here we are providing exerpts from the Apple press announcements f...