iot communication

iot communication news search results

Developer news items we found relating to iot communication

3 results

Building smarter and cheaper IoT deployments with Particle

Wednesday, February 21, 2018 by

Particle introduced their Particle Mesh development kits for pre-order. Particle Mesh creates local networks that collect data, share messages and connect to the Internet. Particle Mesh is uniquely built to solve the IoT issues many companies run into while building connected products. Historically, IoT devices connect directly to the cloud through cellular or Wi-Fi com...


How developers can break the IoT language barrier

Saturday, July 29, 2017 by

Relationships aren’t successful when only one person is talking. A true relationship is a real, two-way conversation with both people initiating informal interactions. However, to get to a level of informality, you need context. Now imagine this relationship with your technology. When your basement floods, the home owner is alerted about the flood by a connected device,...


The Challenges of IoT Interconnectivity and How to Tackle Them

Thursday, February 4, 2016 by

The interconnectivity of IoT devices is key to the development of a connected world. If these devices could communicate, possibilities for developers would be endless; however, IoT lacks seamless interoperability, which allows devices to “talk,” or connect, with each other.Many IoT devices, specifically small devices, are not compatible due to varying controls. With Gar...