input fields

input fields news search results

Developer news items we found relating to input fields

2 results

A Fast App is a Successful App: Tips for Developing Enterprise Mobile Apps that Don’t Leave Employees Waiting

Tuesday, November 11, 2014 by

When we listen to the criteria enterprise users take into account when judging the quality of the mobile apps they use, we hear two more often than others: app speed and app responsiveness. Nowadays no one likes to wait (or, perhaps more accurately, nowadays we don’t tolerate waiting). When users see the message “waiting for download” pumping the brakes on their product...


How App Stores Break Your Apps: Keeping Your App Updated Matters More Than You Think

Wednesday, April 16, 2014 by

One of the best ways to refresh your app in the market is to update it. I usually choose which apps need updating by scrolling through the inventory of apps I have published, comparing downloads (for popularity) and then picking the best one I think is worthy enough to crack open the project for. I then use the app a bit myself to think of ways I can improve it, or find...