free machine learning

free machine learning news search results

Developer news items we found relating to free machine learning

4 results

SoC for ultralowpower AI has launched

Wednesday, March 21, 2018 by

Eta Compute Inc. has announced the availability of its latest System on Chip (SoC) platform. Silicon proven in TSMC 55nm ULP process, this ground-breaking product consumes only a fraction of the power of existing solutions and redefines the standard for ultra-low power embedded solutions.“Our patented event driven processor architecture (DIAL) is combined with our fully...


How AI is transforming business

Friday, December 29, 2017 by

Businesses are drowning in a deluge of data. Within the torrent of information are bits that, once analyzed, can help people make the best decisions for their company, but it’s impossible to manually comb through and digest the raw data before the next wave arrives. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers one of the best solutions to finding the relevant data and forging it...


AI and machine learning make app development and marketing smarter

Wednesday, December 13, 2017 by

Build it and they will come. Those were the good ole days. It used to be good enough to design a great app. Add to that an engaging user experience (UX), positive feedback, a high ranking and word of mouth, and your app was ensured continued success. Nowadays however, mobile consumers are simply overwhelmed by choice. Did you know that if you add up all the apps in the ...


Free Machine learning solutions via the Acumos Project

Friday, November 3, 2017 by

The Linux Foundation has introduced the Acumos Project, a new project that is still in formation and aims to make artificial intelligence (AI) available to everyone by providing a common framework and platform for the free exchange of machine learning solutions.The founding organizations include AT&T and Tech Mahindra, a company specializing in digital transformatio...