box platform
box platform news search results
Developer news items we found relating to box platform
5 results
Android TV is not slowing down
Friday, May 25, 2018 by Ron Downey
Android TV is quickly becoming a staple on the technology roadmaps of pay-TV operators worldwide. More than a hundred cable providers and hardware manufacturers have already taken the plunge, and two-thirds of service providers expect it to be the market-leading platform by 2025. With Google announcing the launch of its ADT-2 developer device earlier this month too, put...
Box Elements for developers powers content experiences in their apps
Friday, July 14, 2017 by Richard Harris
Box, Inc., a cloud content management company, has introduced Box Elements, a new set of tools for businesses of all sizes to bring their content experience into any application built with their Platform. The first set of tools, UI Elements, is generally available and includes four pre-built, customizable components of their user interface. The company also announced th...
IBM and Box Release New Version of iOS Expert Seller App
Tuesday, April 12, 2016 by Richard Harris
IBM and Box have released a new version of the IBM MobileFirst for iOS Expert Seller app built on the Box Platform. With the new release, companies can use Expert Seller to take advantage of Box’s content management platform, metadata capabilities, security permissions, compliance and certifications, and preview functionality. Once the Expert Seller with Box Platfo...
Box Releases Box Developer Edition
Tuesday, April 28, 2015 by Stuart Parkerson
Box has released closed beta of Box Developer Edition, a new way to build on the Box platform.The Box Developer Edition offers a new functionality where app users will no longer have to create their own Box accounts to use an application. App Auth uses the JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication architecture to establish a trusted connection with Box, allowing an applicatio...
Nuxeo Releases Open Source Implementation of the Box API for Web and Mobile App Development
Tuesday, March 25, 2014 by Stuart Parkerson
Nuxeo has announced the addition of a new open source project, the Box API for the Nuxeo Platform. In an effort to extend a growing ecosystem of cloud and hybrid cloud development, Nuxeo has developed an open source implementation of the Box API which supports the building of apps that can connect to and browse both the Box platform and the Nuxeo Platform.Building ...