app money

app money news search results

Developer news items we found relating to app money

4 results

Keeping your free to play games and apps profitable

Friday, April 21, 2017 by

Free-to-Play isn't a new concept, it's still a very popular business model for many software companies, game and enterprise alike. But although a F2P platform looks very attractive to prospective customers, the downside is the wager that is made on whether or not enough customers will make the leap to actually pay for the premium items on your platform. It's this consta...


What's so tricky about Android security anyway

Monday, December 12, 2016 by

Android authentication can be a tricky business because it can help identify the user, but it can also open the door to hackers at the same time. It all comes down to the device administrator access which comes with a lot of benefits like. Device administrator access provides complete device management access rights that include creating and managing poli...


Capturing Maximum Revenue From Your Mobile App

Tuesday, April 15, 2014 by

As with so many things assumed to be known and reliable before the digital era, consumer pricing strategies have been forever altered. Not only does fixed pricing often fail; it’s the consumers themselves who casually inform the seller what they are going pay. The seller, sadly, must deal with the results.Of course, many people choose to pay nothing at all. That’s an un...


Top App Money Makers for 2013 It’s All About Free Apps

Monday, December 23, 2013 by

Sometimes to make money you have to give something away. Nowhere is this more true that in current mobile app economy, where free apps led the way in revenue generation for 2013. Distimo has just released its “2013 Year in Review” which highlights the big winners in the iOS, Android and Amazon Marketplaces. A blog posting highlights the full report, which is avail...