app data collection

app data collection news search results

Developer news items we found relating to app data collection

3 results

Google AdSense updates revealed for new US state privacy laws

Friday, October 18, 2024 by

Google AdSense has released an important update addressing upcoming privacy laws in five US states. With new privacy regulations taking effect in Iowa, Delaware, New Jersey, Nebraska, and New Hampshire in early 2025, AdSense users and publishers will see key changes designed to ensure compliance and transparency. Google AdSense updates announced for the new US state ...


Why app analytics tools can get your app removed

Friday, February 8, 2019 by

Apple has recently started to crack down on developers that aren’t disclosing how they are capturing analytics from their users, as reported by Techcrunch and a few other sources. Analytics that includes everything from taps and swipes, to what screens users are on, length of time inside apps, and more. Some embedded SDK's developer use even record user sessio...


5 Steps for Mastering App Data Collection for User Acquisition and Reengagement

Thursday, January 7, 2016 by

User acquisition and re-engagement are essential to the success of any app marketing strategy. Whether the goal is bringing back dormant users, acquiring quality users who complete in-app events (like bookings or purchases), or even showing custom ads to a segment of users who have achieved an in-app activity threshold, collecting the right app data plays a major role i...