5g architecture

5g architecture news search results

Developer news items we found relating to 5g architecture

2 results

Edge computing research reveals key nuances

Thursday, September 13, 2018 by

In early 2018, the AT&T Foundry launched an edge computing test zone in Palo Alto, CA to experiment with emerging applications upon this new network infrastructure paradigm. Edge computing is the act of moving storage and processing capabilities to the perimeter of the network - or geographically closer to the end-user. As next-gen applications require increasing pr...


UK bets big on 5G architecture

Wednesday, July 25, 2018 by

In a report named the Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review (FTIR), the UK government has expressed its intentions to become one of the forbearers of the new 5G technology architecture. Rolling out a plan to push forward plans that would transform the mobile network landscape of the UK and make it a technological leader in Europe. In the FTIR, Jeremy Write, Secretary...