3d artists

3d artists news search results

Developer news items we found relating to 3d artists

3 results

AI 3D model search engine features coming to Toggle3D

Tuesday, January 30, 2024 by

Toggle3D.ai, the all-in-one 3D modeling solution harnessing the power of generative AI to convert CAD files, apply 4K texturing, and seamlessly publish 4K 3D models, is excited to report a 75% jump in usage in Q4. The Toggle3D platform currently has 27,192 users, and 26,504 or 97% of the users are active and have logged in within the last 30 days. The Company is fo...


MAXON to Provide Instruction for Game Developers on Incorporating 3D Models and at GDC

Thursday, February 26, 2015 by

MAXON, a provider of professional 3D modeling, painting, animation and rendering solutions, will be hosting a number of presentations at GDC including instruction on incorporating 3D models, animation and environments into game development pipelines. Demos will highlight the connectivity between MAXON’s Cinema 4D software solution with many of today’s game developm...


Mixamo Launches Major Upgrades to Online, End to End 3D Character Creation Solution

Friday, March 21, 2014 by

Upgrades to help artists create, rig and animate any 3D character in minutes Mixamo, Inc has unveiled a series of major upgrades to its online, end-to-end solution for 3D character creation. The upgrades include the launch of Fuse 1.0, Mixamo’s character creator, with its all new import pipeline; new monthly subscription pricing of $150 for Mixamo’s ALL ACCESS prog...