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5/28/2019 10:10:52 AM
Scaling apps against competition easier with new accelerator program
App Marketers,Artificial Intelligence,Scaling Apps
App Developer Magazine
Scaling apps against competition easier with new accelerator program

Marketing & Promotion

Scaling apps against competition easier with new accelerator program

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Christian Hargrave Christian Hargrave

Bidalgo has introduced a program to help developers overcome the challenge of scaling their apps.

Bidalgo announced the launch of the Bidalgo Accelerator, designed to help marketers from small and mid-sized app developers combat all the major challenges faced when trying to scale their apps.

In today’s crowded mobile ecosystem, many app marketers find themselves up against the competition with significantly more resources with which to acquire new users. The Bidalgo Accelerator is intended to level the playing field for smaller companies with limited budgets by helping them accelerate user acquisition growth across multi-channel properties at scale. The program not only provides participants with access to the most advanced user acquisition platform in the industry, including Bidalgo’s best-in-class creative production capabilities, but it also offers training and mentorship from Bidalgo’s expert team of media buyers, creative designers, data scientists and app marketers.“The launch of the Bidalgo Accelerator program is both an exciting and important move for the company,” said Peleg Israeli, CRO, Bidalgo. “We have meticulously designed and packaged the program in line with the hundreds of app partners we have seen flourish, supported by the Bidalgo platform, and we are excited to leverage our expertise for the benefit of small to mid-sized apps looking for the strongest technological solution and services to accelerate their growth.”

Bidalgo’s 12-week Accelerator Program offers two tracks based on company needs:

  • Growth Accelerator: Designed for apps with little to no internal media buying team. Offers end-to-end media strategy and education, campaign management, creative support, and platform training. Marketers can leverage Bidalgo’s AI technology and in-house expertise to help grow their mobile app business across Facebook, Instagram, Google, Apple Search Ads, and other major channels.
  • Creative Accelerator: Structured for businesses running mobile user acquisition in-house that need expert help with both creative services and building a powerful self-serve platform for scale. Using the Creative Accelerator, app advertisers can leverage both Bidalgo’s AI-powered platform and its full-service creative production and expertise. 

How the Accelerator Program Works

Participating developers will have access to everything they need to propel app performance, including:

  • Activation and training on Bidalgo’s AI-powered marketing automation platform
  • Complete campaign, measurement, and creative audit
  • Growth strategy, media plan, and market analysis
  • Creative production by Bidalgo’s design team
  • Creative workshop to set up your design team with the right tools and best practices
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Dedicated user acquisition manager

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