1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/game-development
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/most-time-demanding-video-games-revealed/
5/26/2023 1:10:01 PM
Most time demanding video games revealed
Time demanding,Video Games,PC,Console,Mastering the Great Quests,Cribbage Online
App Developer Magazine
Most time demanding video games revealed

Game Development

Most time demanding video games revealed

Friday, May 26, 2023

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Cribbage Online recently revealed the results of the most time demanding video games after a study they conducted found that Ancient Domains of Mystery took the top spot and that an average of 940 hours of playtime is required to complete the games in their top ten rankings.

New research has shown the top games that take the longest to complete, with many taking hundreds if not thousands of hours.

The study by Cribbage Online analyzed a database of completion times of over 60,000 games across PC and all consoles in order to determine which took the longest to gather all achievements, unlocks, secrets, and collectibles resulting in 100% completion.

Mastering the Great Quests: Revealing the most time-demanding video game

ADOM: Ancient Domains of Mystery - 2,000 hours (83 days).

Initially released in 1994, with an HD re-release in 2015, widely considered to be one of the best games of the roguelike genre, this 2D roguelike game for PC takes around 2,000 hours (83 days) to 100% complete.

Sid Meieir’s Civilization V - 1,214 hours (50 days).

Fully completing this turn-based strategy game and the accompanying expansions would set a gamer back roughly 1,214 hours (50 days). Initially released in 2010, with expansions in 2012, and 2013, this PC-only game received critical acclaim, achieving a Metacritic score of 90/100.

Monster Hunter (2004) - 1,023 hours (42 days).

Set in a world where beasts and humans coexist, the game consists of various quests that involve fighting these powerful beings. This 2004 Capcom PlayStation 2 game comes in at 1,023 hours (42 days) to 100% complete.

Dominions 5: Warriors of the Faith - 1,000 (41 days).

The second 4X turn-based strategy game to appear on the list, this 2017 PC-only game requires players to spend 1,000 (41 days) hours to achieve 100% completion.

Rock Band 4 - 937 hours (39 days).

This 2015 game, only released for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, features a 100% completion time investment of 937 hours (39 days).

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies - 718 hours (29 days).

This RPG, released in 2009 for the Nintendo DS, has a 100% completion time of 718 hours (29 days).

NetHack - 649 hours (27 days).

A single-player roguelike PC game initially released in 1987, takes seventh place, with a 100% completion time of 649 hours (27 days).

Gran Turismo 5 - 636 hours (26 days).

A PlayStation-exclusive racing game released in 2010. In order to achieve a 100% completion of the game, players would need to spend 636 hours (26 days) playing.

Clash of Clans - 625 hours (26 days).

The only mobile game to appear in the top ten, this 2012 game is also the only free-to-play game to occur within the top ten.

Animal Crossing (2001) - 607 hours (25 days).

Released for the GameCube, gamers wanting a 100% completion would need to spend 607 hours (25 days) playing.

Interestingly, seven of the top ten games were initially released in 2010, and prior, and five in the list do not support online multiplayer. Console games only just clinch the majority, with five games only being supported on console, with very close behind, with four of the top ten being PC only.

Study reveals time consuming gaming giants

Study reveals time-consuming gaming giants:

  • New study shows which video games take the longest to complete
  • Ancient Domains of Mystery takes the top spot, followed by Civilisation
  • On average, 940 hours (39 days) of play time is required to complete the games from the top ten
Rank Game Story completion (Hours) Story & extras completion (Hours) 100% Completion (Hours) Platforms

ADOM: Ancient Domains Of Mystery

80 100 2000 PC
2 Sid Meier's Civilization V 13 144 1214 PC

Monster Hunter

49 88 1023 PlayStation 2
4 Dominions 5: Warriors of the Faith 40 70 1000 PC

Rock Band 4

12 107 937

PlayStation 4, Xbox One


Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

49 86 718

Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS

7 NetHack 9 82 649 PC

Gran Turismo 5

45 123 636

PlayStation 3


Clash of Clans

21 24 625 Android

Animal Crossing

69 161 607

Nintendo GameCube

Cribbage Online comments

Cribbage Online comments

A spokesperson for Cribbage Online commented on the findings, saying, "This study shows that gamers are not only interested in completing games but are also dedicated to achieving even the most challenging goals within them. It's encouraging to see that the gaming industry provides such engaging and immersive experiences that capture the attention and determination of players.

As video games continue to evolve, it’s exciting to see how they can continue offering players new and engaging experiences. This study's findings show the gaming community's strength and passions."

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