1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/mobile-tech
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/intel-introduces-heart-rate-sdk-program-for-mobile-development-of-wearables/
9/15/2014 1:52:27 PM
Intel Introduces Heart Rate SDK Program for Mobile Development of Wearables
mobile SDK, wearable app programming, app monetization
App Developer Magazine
Mobile Tech

Intel Introduces Heart Rate SDK Program for Mobile Development of Wearables

Monday, September 15, 2014

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

Intel has announced a new SDK to enable mobile developers to make use of the sensors and capabilities found in wearable devices powered by Intel technology. The first of these SDKs will expose APIs to enable developers to make use of the heart rate sensing capability in headphones powered by Intel's heart rate technology. This will allow developers to add value to their fitness and wellness applications for iOS and Android.

Developers interested in getting early access to the SDK and be the first to hear further news should apply for access. Registering will also allow the ability to get information on future wearable SDKs coming out from Intel as well as support from the Intel Dev team.

The news ties in well with a recent article by Liz Dickenson of Mio Technologies titled “Beyond the Hype: Why Smart Wearables Need More Heart.” In the article she discusses how wearables can go beyond tracking things like heart rate to providing users a better understanding of how these types of diagnostics can be utilized to improve health outcomes.

Read more: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/wearable...

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