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8/13/2016 1:00:08 PM
HyperLoop Lets You Access All Native Mobile API's Using Javascript
Hyperloop,Appcelerator,Titanium SDK,Javascript Apps
App Developer Magazine

HyperLoop Lets You Access All Native Mobile API's Using Javascript

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Appcelerator has announced the GA release of Titanium SDK 5.4.0, Appcelerator CLI 5.4.0, and Appcelerator Studio 4.7.0. The highlight of these releases is the introduction of Hyperloop, which provides the ability to directly access 100% of all native APIs via JavaScript.

Jeff Haynie with Appcelerator explains, “With Hyperloop, the need for OS-specific modules disappears. Hyperloop lets you access every single native API on iOS and Android, all via JavaScript. What happens as the platform vendors release new versions and APIs? Those too are instantly available via Hyperloop. This means you get all the extraordinary cross-platform power of Titanium, plus the ability to access any specific native API just as if you were building through the native SDKs - and to do it all in a language you know and love: JavaScript.”

With the Appcelerator Studio release, Studio now comes with a built-in error reporting tool that can be used to identify problems within Studio and automatically upload problems to the Appcelerator analytics server, providing insights as to where problems may exist in Studio and how they can be improved. The Hyperloop Module will give  direct access to the native APIs and Studio supports enabling the Hyperloop Module during new project creation and through the tiapp.xml editor.

Read more: https://www.appcelerator.com/

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