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7/22/2016 11:04:01 AM
Hazelcast and Heimdall Data Launch New SQL Optimization Solution
SQL Server Optimization,Hazelcast,Heimdall
App Developer Magazine
Hazelcast and Heimdall Data Launch New SQL Optimization Solution

Application Testing

Hazelcast and Heimdall Data Launch New SQL Optimization Solution

Friday, July 22, 2016

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Hazelcast and Heimdall Data have introduced a new integrated solution that addresses on-premise or cloud application uptime and scalability caused by deficient application-to-database interaction. The new solution combines Heimdall Data and Hazelcast’s In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG) to provide a SQL load balancing solution that focuses on application-to-database challenges.

The Heimdall Data and Hazelcast joint solution addresses a need in industry for optimization and scale at the data access layer. Heimdall Data provides performance, high availability, and security at the data access layer. With Hazelcast’s in-memory caching, the combined solution can speed up applications by reducing the query load on databases. 

The platform caches SQL queries at run-time and leverages performance improvements from Hazelcast caching. In minutes, an application can be optimized, along with the added benefits of load balancing, high-availability with orchestrated failover, SQL firewalling, and performance analytics.

Read more: http://www.heimdalldata.com/intelligent-sql-optimi...

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