1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/mobile-tech
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/gta-gaming-hud-with-the-help-of-google-glass-hack/
10/5/2013 8:16:10 AM
GTA Gaming HUD With the Help of Google Glass Hack
App Developer Magazine
Mobile Tech

GTA Gaming HUD With the Help of Google Glass Hack

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Richard Harris Richard Harris

If you have GTA3 and Google glass wearable device we might have some news that could add a new level of awesomeness to the game. It's a known fact that there are at times too many indicators and information blobs on the screen at once when playing the game. But a developer  Mike DiGiovanni. has created a simple hack that will allow part of the game to be displayed on the Google Glass chip, thus taking some of the strain off your eyes during gameplay.

The hack hasn't been made public just yet but Mike promises something is coming so be sure to watch his Google + page noted below for updates.

Read more: https://plus.google.com/116031914637788986927/post...

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