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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/exosite-and-microchip-technology-announce-new-iot-hardware-platform/
4/12/2016 3:04:32 PM
Exosite and Microchip Technology Announce New IoT Hardware Platform
ExositeReady,Cloud Based,Exosite,Microchip Technology
App Developer Magazine

Exosite and Microchip Technology Announce New IoT Hardware Platform

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Exosite and Microchip Technology have announced the availability of the Microchip WiFi Client Module (WCM) Development kit, a new supported hardware platform for the ExositeReady Embedded SDK (software development kit), 

Microchip’s WCM Development Kit gives embedded software developers access to a set of open source tools for use with Exosite’s cloud-based IoT platform, providing the ability to fast-track IoT initiatives.

The new development kit is part of the ExositeReady certified hardware program that supports the creation of WCM development kits for prototyping and evaluating a variety of IoT applications for cloud-connected production-ready embedded devices. The ExositeReady program includes a complete suite of software modules, ports, instructions, and examples.

The new Microchip WCM Development Kit 1 (Part Number DM182023) is a development board utilizing a Microchip MRF24WG0MA WiFi Module and a PIC32MX application microcontroller, which when used with the ExositeReady SDK, enables users to connect to Exosite’s cloud-based platform. The kit already comes pre-programmed with the ExositeReady cloud agent embedded into the hardware platform.

Read more: https://exosite.com/

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