1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/enterprise
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/crittercism-enters-beta-with-its-new-enterprise-mobile-transaction-management-platform/
8/6/2014 2:40:17 PM
Crittercism Enters Beta with its New Enterprise Mobile Transaction Management Platform
enterprise mobile, app analytics, app SDK, mobile performance management
App Developer Magazine

Crittercism Enters Beta with its New Enterprise Mobile Transaction Management Platform

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Earlier this year we reported that Accenture expanded its footprint in enterprise mobile with its minority investment and licensing agreement with Crittercism and its mobile app performance management (mAPM) platform.

Now Crittercism has released in beta a new transaction management solution optimized for mobile and connected apps. Utilizing Crittercism's APM platform, the new solution enables companies to define, monitor and manage in real time mobile transactions. Crittercism's transaction management solution enables companies to identify, prioritize, focus and troubleshoot revenue-impacting issues. 

- Proactive visibility into the business and revenue impact of key mobile transaction performance.

- Ability to accurately define and monitor true mobile transactions that span across multiple views, user interactions and service calls.

- Ability to automatically track all mobile-specific dynamic states such as network connectivity changes, app backgrounding/foregrounding and user view transitions that provide complete user flow visibility.

- Actionable insights, with operational and business metrics, to efficiently prioritize, troubleshoot and optimize the customer experience of revenue-critical mobile transactions.

- Comprehensive reports and dashboards that can be shared across key mobile business and IT stakeholders.

Crittercism's transaction management solution is now available in beta to new and existing customers.

Read more: http://www.crittercism.com/solutions/transactions/

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