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7/20/2015 2:51:26 PM
Built.io Updates Platform to Include JavaScript SDK for Web Developers
App Developer Magazine

Built.io Updates Platform to Include JavaScript SDK for Web Developers

Monday, July 20, 2015

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

Built.io has updated its Contentstack content management system (CMS) which includes the release of a JavaScript SDK, allowing access to Contentstack's APIs and the creation of embedded applications; enhanced data import and export; and support for webhooks, enabling real-time integration with third party systems and applications.

With the update developers can download the schema of a form in JSON format and import it back into Contentstack. This feature provides the ability to introduce changes across several entries or forms, or simply keep backups of data.

New webhooks provide a way to integrate Contentstack with other applications which can be triggered for significant events on websites and provide notifications in a format understood by applications. Adding a trigger URL and specifying a condition will trigger the webhook.

A new interface will allow developers to view comprehensive records of all events associated with a website. The Audit Logs screen lists all events since the inception of the website. This allows site owners to monitor the activities of all collaborators on the website, along with the public IP from which they performed the action.

Read more: https://www.built.io/products/contentstack/overvie...

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