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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/blazemeter-releases-new-test-automation-platform-for-devops/
5/25/2015 9:00:34 AM
BlazeMeter Releases New Test Automation Platform for DevOps
Apache JMeter, Selenium,Docker,KPI Trends,Key Performance Indicators
App Developer Magazine

BlazeMeter Releases New Test Automation Platform for DevOps

Monday, May 25, 2015

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

BlazeMeter, a continuous testing as a service platform provider, has announced a new Test Automation Platform for DevOps offering new capabilities such as KPI Trends, Organizations and Projects, On-Premise Load Generator and Single Sign-On.

The new platform is part of the company's portfolio which enables engineers to run performance tests on any mobile app, website, or API, simulating more than one million concurrent users on a self-service platform from any of the public clouds and from inside the corporate firewall. BlazeMeter’s agile platform is compatible with open source tools such as Apache JMeter and Selenium. 

The new Test Automation for DevOps solution delivers several new features, including KPI Trends which automatically provide reports that graphically display Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) - allowing users to identify trends over time across all of a test’s results. KPI metrics include Average Response Time from all recent reports and many more KPIs, such as Errors, Average Hits, Average Latency and Test Duration.

The new Organizations and Projects feature allows companies to arrange their testing efforts to be in-line with their existing internal departmental and project structures, adhering to their corporate governance. Users can put their tests into Project folders and collaborate with colleagues within designated "Organizations". Members of a specific Organization will be able to view, edit and execute all tests and reports created within it. Another important benefit is that users no longer need to share passwords.

The improved On Premise Load Generator with newer Docker-based technology provides increased reliability and an easier installation process. Additionally, clients can now install multiple load generators on a single server, greatly reducing on-premise server costs.

The new Single Sign-On feature provides both the access and authentication control that companies need for third party services, as well as enabling new users within the organization to start using the service immediately.

Read more: http://blazemeter.com/

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