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2/14/2013 10:16:19 AM
App Review Websites, a Developers Guide
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App Developer Magazine
Marketing & Promotion

App Review Websites, a Developers Guide

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Richard Harris Richard Harris

We all want to shout to the world about our new app when it's finally published and one way to get that accomplished is to submit it to App Review websites. These are basically online portals that will review your app, and make a blog or social post about their findings.

There are good and bad places to get your app reviewed, the key element is you want to make sure it works to your benefit as a developer promoting their app.

The folks over at Moby Affiliates have written a comprehensive article about muddling through the "app review website" marshland. In this guide they take a closer look at the app review site ecosystem. They explain the difference between paid reviews and free reviews, give you top tips on how to get noticed by editors, interview a number of app review site owners, and provide an directory of app review sites for you to check out.

Read more: http://www.mobyaffiliates.com/blog/a-developers-gu...

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