1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/monetize
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/airpush-offers-share-of-voice-mobile-app-ad-campaign-optimizer-tool/
8/4/2014 8:34:53 PM
AirPush Offers Share of Voice Mobile App Ad Campaign Optimizer Tool
App Developer Magazine
AirPush Offers Share of Voice Mobile App Ad Campaign Optimizer Tool


AirPush Offers Share of Voice Mobile App Ad Campaign Optimizer Tool

Monday, August 4, 2014

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Airpush’s Share of Voice (SOV) is its newest update to its Optimizer tool which, for the first time, provides the ability for advertisers to monitor the percentage of wins a campaign is earning in order to precisely track how much of all available inventory they’re receiving. SOV makes it easier to make intelligent bidding optimizations, enabling the ability to fine-tune your entire campaign and maximize your overall ROI.

AirPush Optimizer enables advertisers the opportunity to analyze and optimize campaigns by 12 factors: carrier, country, U.S. state, landing page, ad creative, PubID, device type, manufacturer, OS version, network connection, app and time of day. Optimizer also allows a two-factor drill down, to manage the bids of precise segments created by combining two of the 12 factors.

Share of Voice, provides the chance to view what percentage of a profitable inventory silo is being won with a current bid and gauge how much more inventory incremental increases wins. This way, there is the chance to balance bid increases with the resulting growth in reach, maximizing the profitability of an overall campaign.

By making changes in real time, advertisers can adjust bids based on empirical performance data, rather than targeting presumptions or A/B testing.

Of course, this is good news for developers whose 100,000 apps that use the Airpush SDK as advertisers place more ads on the platform.

Read more: http://www.airpush.com/category/airpush-mobile-adv...

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