testrail 5.0 offers jira integration with full jira server and jira cloud addons

testrail 5.0 offers jira integration with full jira server and jira cloud addons news search results

Developer news items we found relating to testrail 5.0 offers jira integration with full jira server and jira cloud addons

1 results

TestRail 5.0 Offers JIRA integration with full JIRA Server and JIRA Cloud AddOns

Wednesday, October 7, 2015 by

Gurock Software has released the latest edition of its TestRail web-based test case management tool that manages and tracks software testing efforts. TestRail 5.0 introduces new JIRA integration with full JIRA Server and JIRA Cloud add-ons to directly view and track linked TestRail test results, test cases and reports inside JIRA.TestRail 5.0 also introduces new live de...