tailored ai

tailored ai news search results

Developer news items we found relating to tailored ai

2 results

ASPM 2024 report from Cycode

Friday, December 15, 2023 by

Cycode announced the release of its inaugural State of ASPM 2024 report. The research found that AppSec chaos reigns, with 78% of CISOs responding that today’s AppSec attack surfaces are unmanageable and 90% of responders confirmed relationships between their security and development teams need to improve. Surprisingly, 77% of CISOs believe software supply ch...


Tailored AI to steal the focus from LLMs in 2024 says Harnik Shukla

Friday, December 8, 2023 by

In 2023, we witnessed an explosive proliferation of Large Language Models (LLMs), including ChatGPT, which made a profound impact on various industries. In less than a year, ChatGPT has garnered an astounding 100 million weekly users, while over 2 million developers have harnessed the ChatGPT API to craft innovative solutions across numerous Fortune 500 companies. In...