tablet growth

tablet growth news search results

Developer news items we found relating to tablet growth

4 results

Adobe's Report at MWC Says Mobile Growth in China Tops Other Countries

Friday, February 26, 2016 by

Adobe released a new report at Mobile World Congress that features new insights into phablets, traffic trends and mobile usage overseas.  Key insights include: Mobile growth in China tops other countries; over 50% YoY: This is looking at the growth in share of online visits; 64% if you consider just smartphones (3% decline with tablets). The U.S. saw 12% ...


Control Your Windows Desktop with dinCloud’s WebHVD Android App

Friday, December 12, 2014 by

dinCloud just released its HTML5-based hosted virtual desktop solution called WebHVD.  WebHVD will also be available on Android devices, downloadable for free at the Google Play store. dinCloud is a cloud service provider.WebHVD by dinCloud allows for users to access not only its Windows Desktop Service but now offers access to the Android Platform. Google Pla...


The iPad IS Still Apple’s Lethal Weapon in the App Wars

Friday, May 23, 2014 by

It’s hard to believe that it’s been just four years since the iPad was launched, reinventing how we access the digital world (April 3rd, 2014 marked the four year anniversary of the iPad). Who really knew what the new innovation meant at the time?A good example is Flurry’s Simon Khalaf recent comments on a blog post on the Flurry website, “When the iPad was fi...


HTML5, BYOD, Native or Hybrid, How Do App Developers Strategize, Plan, and Optimize for Mobile Enterprise Initiatives

Monday, April 28, 2014 by

HTML5 is the future for enterprise apps. No wait, native code will never be replaced. You say end users will drive how companies approach mobile? Really? The truth is no one currently has a definitive answer as mobile continues to provide never before seen opportunities to engage with customers and employees. There are hundreds of questions and 10 different answers to e...