
sps news search results

Developer news items we found relating to sps

3 results

What happens to security when your apps go to the cloud

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 by

When Marc Andreessen wrote, “software is eating the world,” he meant that every business is literally turning into software. The problem is that every line of code you write makes you easier to attack. Historically, we dealt with security by putting up walls and scanning. But the complexity of modern software environments has made these approaches ineffective ...


How Do I Build an Agile Organization Part 3

Thursday, July 28, 2016 by

Remember the angry development VP from Part 1? He had hired a certified Scrum Master and found him inadequate. This VP made the assumption that the CSM certification meant the person was qualified to help his organization. He found out it only meant the person was certified as having attended a Scrum Alliance scrum master class.In Part 2, I presented the steps...


IBM Releases Apache Spark Powered Data Science Collaborative Platform

Thursday, June 9, 2016 by

IBM has announced a new cloud-based development environment for near real-time, high performance analytics. The new IBM Data Science Experience is an interactive, collaborative, cloud-based environment where data scientists can use multiple tools to activate insights. It is in limited preview and IBM has created a waiting list for individuals interested in accessing the...