segmented push message

segmented push message news search results

Developer news items we found relating to segmented push message

3 results

Communicate to Your Mobile Users Relevantly: Use Personalization App Marketing Methods and See Your Bottom Line Grow

Friday, January 30, 2015 by

We all know that it is hard to get new users to try out an app. Most people have around 25 apps on their phones (depending on the information source, it is a little higher or lower, but that is a safe number to work with). It cost money, time, and more to convince someone to add your specific app to their group of apps on their device, and having done that, you need to ...


How to Use Personalized Push Notifications to Drive App Usage and Conversions

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 by

The holiday season is now upon us and all those shiny new devices will soon be unwrapped and activated. You’ve updated your app and are ready for the potential onslaught of new users and those that will revisit your app, now that they have a new device.But are you truly ready? If you’re trying to grow a mobile app, getting new users to download your app isn't enough - y...


App Developers Who Personalize Their Mobile Apps See User Engagement Soar

Monday, December 8, 2014 by

People use mobile apps. It’s hard to keep that in mind sometimes when developing an app, because we can lose track of users as we concentrate on the specific purpose of the app. The reality is that the primary reason for any app to exist is for it to be used. And, individually, it will be used more often if that person accessing the app feels that it fits them and their...