parse sdks

parse sdks news search results

Developer news items we found relating to parse sdks

2 results

Facebook Announces New Parse SDKs for the Internet of Things (IoT)

Friday, September 11, 2015 by

With the expansion of the Parse for IoT SDK line, developers can build more connected devices with Parse, using new dedicated SDKs for Atmel, Broadcom, Intel and TI hardware which allow the Parse cloud to handle the entire backend.Developers can now build apps for Atmel's SAM D21 + WINC1500, TI's CC3200, Intel's Edison or Broadcom's WICED and connect to the Parse cloud....


Parse Now Offers Push Experiments to Allow App Developers the Ability to AB Test Push Notification Marketing Campaigns

Friday, November 7, 2014 by

Parse is launching Push Experiments, a new feature to help developers evaluate push messaging ideas to create the most effective notifications for an app. With Parse Push Experiments, developers can conduct A/B tests for push campaigns, then use the app’s realtime Parse Analytics data to help decide on the best variant to send.For each push campaign sent through the Par...