open source protocol
open source protocol news search results
Developer news items we found relating to open source protocol
4 results
All about Reactive Foundation,The Linux Foundation's new baby
Monday, September 16, 2019 by Freeman Lightner
The Linux Foundation has announced the launch of the Reactive Foundation, a community of leaders established to accelerate technologies for building the next generation of networked applications. The foundation is made up of Alibaba, Lightbend, Netifi and Pivotal as initial members and includes the successful open source RSocket specification, a...
Universal ERC20 to ERC20 bridge releases by POA Network
Monday, December 3, 2018 by Austin Harris
POA Network has released a universal open-source ERC20 to ERC20 bridge. TokenBridge, the simple two-way bridge for ERC20 tokens, enables any project in the Ethereum ecosystem to seamlessly interact with any other project by exchanging ERC20 tokens within a single wallet.
Igor Barinov, POA Network Tech Lead, said: “One of POA Network’s goals is to build th...
AllJoyn Takes Focus at the AllSeen Alliance Summit in October
Monday, August 3, 2015 by Richard Harris
The AllSeen Alliance Summit will take place in Seattle on October 19-21 and will focus on the AllJoyn open source software framework. The conference will offer business leaders, developers, product managers and the open source community the chance to get together to discuss technological areas of the Internet of Things (IoT). The Summit will include keynotes, techn...
A Review of Database Technologies and Frameworks for Mobile Developers
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 by Marcin Warpechowski
Mobile app developers are continuously feeling the pressure to bring apps to market and update them faster and faster. This demand will only continue in 2015 and beyond. Many mobile app developers need a hard-working database behind the scenes for processing real-time data like transactions, inventory or users. This article offers insight on how mobile developers can im...