
odpi news search results

Developer news items we found relating to odpi

3 results

Get a free intro to Apache Hadoop course

Friday, March 31, 2017 by

The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit advancing professional open source management for mass collaboration, today announced its newest massive open online course (MOOC) is available for registration. The course, LFS103x - Introduction to Apache Hadoop, is offered through edX, the nonprofit online learning platform launched in 2012 by Harvard University and Massachusetts I...


Ben Markham Chats About Being a Big Data Developer With Apache Hadoop

Wednesday, August 17, 2016 by

We recently sat down with Ben Markham, Big Data Architect, Xiilab and ODPi member about developing sensor data solutions, working with Hadoop, what the big data market looks like in South Korea, and how it is to develop for a South Korean company?ADM:You are a developer for Xiilab, what do you do for them?Markham: I develop applications with Spring and Java EE, whi...


How The Linux Foundation's ODPi Initiative is Advancing Apache Hadoop and Big Data

Tuesday, March 15, 2016 by

The ODPi initiative focuses on promoting and advancing the state of Apache Hadoop and Big Data technologies for the enterprise. It is a collaborative project of the Linux Foundation, which hosts a number of collaborative software projects and provide the organizational, promotional and technical infrastructure needed to make the projects successful.We recently visited w...