machine learning security

machine learning security news search results

Developer news items we found relating to machine learning security

2 results

The future of cybersecurity in machine learning

Sunday, July 30, 2017 by

McAfee, a cybersecurity company, has announced several new innovations that expand machine learning and automation capabilities to strengthen human-machine teams. Plus, McAfee announces support of, a new, independent collaboration portal that offers forums and free apps, giving OpenDXL users easy access to ideas and resources available for application integr...


HUMANOBOT can discover nonhuman activities trying to commit fraud

Tuesday, July 25, 2017 by

SecuredTouch's HUMANOBOT behavioral biometrics tech has recently fine-tuned its platform to better detect non-human activities like bots and emulators trying to commit fraud. HUMANOBOT detects non-human behavior generated by bots, malware, and automated scripts and stops fraud-focused emulators within mobile applications.The system recognizes these behaviors using advan...