linkedin app

linkedin app news search results

Developer news items we found relating to linkedin app

3 results

Android Test Butler WhiteGlove Service for Automated Mobile Tests

Monday, August 8, 2016 by

At LinkedIn, automated testing is a key component of our new strategy for releasing mobile applications with greater frequency. As we developed the new LinkedIn Android app that we launched late last year, we found that our tests had a major problem: our testing environment itself was unreliable, so our tests failed intermittently. We needed a s...


LinkedIn Makes Rocket Data Open Source So You Can Cache Data in Your iOS Apps Too

Thursday, August 4, 2016 by

Last year, LinkedIn began rewriting the LinkedIn flagship mobile application. The existing app had a number of challenges and hadn’t received a significant overhaul in some time. So we wanted the new version to not only look and feel updated, but also to have powerful infrastructure backend to support it.As a part of that effort, we wanted a caching system that would pr...


LinkedIn's New Project Voyager App Features Continuous Delivery on Steroids

Sunday, February 14, 2016 by

LinkedIn recently released Project Voyager, their codename for the new version of the company’s flagship application for Android, iOS, and the mobile web catering to its over 400 million users. According to the LinkedIn dev team, Voyager is the result of more than a year of product development work by over 250 engineers. They rethought the LinkedIn experience from the g...