javascript security

javascript security news search results

Developer news items we found relating to javascript security

2 results

SnykCon 2021 event lineup

Friday, September 24, 2021 by

We're only a few weeks away from SnykCon 2021, Snyk's free annual developer conference that helps you learn how to build applications securely running October 5-7. We have a packed agenda full of expert talks, hands-on workshops, helpful demos, product roadmaps, opportunities to interact with some of the smartest speakers and leaders of developer security i...


JavaScript apps get Arxan application protection solution

Friday, February 17, 2017 by

Arxan Technologies, a provider of application protection and management solutions, has announced Arxan Application Protection for JavaScript, a new offering that provides leading protection for JavaScript-based applications, including hybrid iOS and Android apps, in addition to web apps. The comprehensive solution is designed to prevent brand damage, financial loss, IP ...