government blockchain

government blockchain news search results

Developer news items we found relating to government blockchain

2 results

Blockchain tech to help digitize Dutch government legislation

Wednesday, December 20, 2017 by

Dutch software company LegalThings has kicked off with the digitization of Dutch legislation on the blockchain. LegalThings launched its LegalThings One platform, an Ethereum-like platform that decentralizes contracts and laws on the blockchain. The Ministry of Justice aims to run the first legislation in the blockchain by the end of 2018.The Dutch government wants to b...


How blockchain could solve UK's customs problem

Thursday, August 17, 2017 by

The Brexit Secretary, David Davis has stated that a new customs system will be in place by 2019. Companies which rely on high-traffic routes on the Irish border and channel ports such as Dover are worried that new bureaucratic measures will cost both time and money as they continue to do business with EU member states. Logistics experts say that proven applications of b...