computing everywhere

computing everywhere news search results

Developer news items we found relating to computing everywhere

2 results

Developers outlook 2018: big technologies, big changes

Tuesday, March 6, 2018 by

In 2018 changes in the technology landscape are creating fantastic opportunities for innovation in design and engineering. For decades, computers featured a TV screen for output, a keyboard for text input, and a mouse to point and click. Just a few years ago, the iPhone transformed everything by putting the first well-designed computer with a touchscreen in our pockets....


A Look Ahead: The Top Ten Strategic Technology Trends for 2015

Wednesday, November 5, 2014 by

Its time for the prognosticators to get out their crystal balls and make predictions for 2015. And as it relates to the top 10 technology strategic trends, Gartner has done just that. Gartner defines a strategic technology trend as one with the potential for significant impact on an organization in the next three years. Factors that denote significant impact includ...