cloud platform solutions

cloud platform solutions news search results

Developer news items we found relating to cloud platform solutions

2 results

Cloud computing development jobs are suddenly everywhere

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 by

According to a recent LinkedIn study, cloud computing is the most in-demand hard skill of 2019. In just the past year in fact, job postings that included the terms “cloud computing” or “cloud engineer” have spiked to 27%. It’s powering the rapid adoption of server virtualization, then storage virtualization, followed by network virtualizati...


Why the cost of cloud computing is dropping dramatically

Thursday, January 25, 2018 by

You might read the headline statement that the cost of cloud computing is dropping and say “Well, duh!”. Or maybe you’re on the other side of the fence. A coworker recently referred me to a very interesting blog on the Kapwing site that states Cloud costs aren’t actually dropping dramatically. The author defines “dramatically” based on the targets set by Moore’s Law or ...