behavioral science

behavioral science news search results

Developer news items we found relating to behavioral science

2 results

AI e learning is becoming popular

Monday, May 15, 2023 by

After years of steadily picking up steam, online learning is experiencing undeniable explosive growth. The market is racing toward $1 trillion, with the corporate e-learning space expected to skyrocket 250% in the coming years. As e-learning continues to expand beyond the walls of academia, another game-changing phenomenon is going mainstream in a big way: artificial in...


Building mentally fit workforces with Pulse

Tuesday, July 26, 2022 by

New Gallup findings from their latest annual global update determined, among other ominous results, that stress, sadness, and worry have all inched higher worldwide pushing Gallup's Negative Experience Index to yet another new high. Our career lives are certainly suffering in kind. New ‘Pulse’ app helps build a more menta...