automating business processes

automating business processes news search results

Developer news items we found relating to automating business processes

3 results

6 ways your company could be using automation software

Friday, January 5, 2018 by

When it comes to robots and our future as human beings, there are two different directions your imagination might take you. On one hand, you’ve probably watched terrifying imaginings of machines turning against mankind in films like The Matrix and The Terminator. In contrast, if you look around at the real world, you see can the reality of machines working side by side ...


Should you buy or build a mobile app for your business

Friday, November 11, 2016 by

The question of whether a company should Buy or Build a mobile app for their business is often portrayed as a binary choice between picking an off-the-shelf app/solution, or building a custom solution from scratch, using an in-house developer team or contracted 3rd party.    The Build vs Buy landscape has many more options. Organizations looking to adopt a m...


Continuous Delivery is Eating DevOps as Software is Eating the Business

Thursday, March 26, 2015 by

For years, IT has been automating business processes. Now IT is automating its own processes to keep up with the rapid pace of change and to meet the business demand for new software features and capabilities. Continuous DeliveryWhat if the business could release dozens of tested software improvements to production daily? Could the business respond to market and cu...