app developer contract

app developer contract news search results

Developer news items we found relating to app developer contract

2 results

New Study Shows that 80 percent of Manufacturers Will Develop an Enterprise Mobile App This Year

Monday, August 19, 2013 by

If you can’t find an enterprise contract gig or a full time job as an app developer, it’s not because the opportunities aren’t out there. It seems that every week a new report comes out that organizations are looking to create new apps, corporate app stores and are examining ever increasing ways to mobilize their operations. Manufacturing Insights has published a new r...


Being an App Developer Contractor

Saturday, February 2, 2013 by

Developing apps for other people can be sticky business. Knowing how to navigate around certain legal areas, pricing, and publishing rules are just a few things you'll need to have ready before working with a potential client. We spoke with several app developers to get their experience in dealing with app development freelance, and we formed a short list of things you'...