adaptive mobile

adaptive mobile news search results

Developer news items we found relating to adaptive mobile

2 results

With Material Design Rules, Google Has the Upper Hand on Crossplatform UX

Monday, July 27, 2015 by

For a long time, the world of mobile platforms was based on two absolute truths – Google offerings were in the utilitarian realm – more capable yet not aesthetically pleasing – while Apple software had a more narrow feature set with a strong focus on user experience. Recently however, those absolute truths fell apart. Google I/O 2014 saw the introduction of Materia...


Security to Take Front Row Seat for Operators and Governments in 2015

Thursday, December 18, 2014 by

AdaptiveMobile has identified that network-level security is set to be on operator and government agendas for 2015. The company also identified trends that IoT and mobile malware will be defining new challenges of mobile security. AdaptiveMobile is he world’s number one mobile security provider. The company released its top mobile security trends for...