A Cloud Based App

A Cloud Based App news search results

Developer news items we found relating to A Cloud Based App

2 results

Mobile automation testing tips

Tuesday, February 7, 2017 by

As mobile application development matures, the range of features increases, but so does the effort required to test for regressions before shipping updates. A robust automation testing strategy can help in this situation but it is important to look at some key factors when setting up test suite infrastructure. An automated UI test suite can quickly run through all ...


InApp Print Capabilities: What it Means and Why It Matters

Friday, September 23, 2016 by

The realm of mobile development has come a long way, and it’s only getting better – just ask Gordon Moore.Moore, one of the founders of Intel Corporation, came up with an eponymous rule of thumb in 1965 called Moore’s Law. App developers are all familiar with this simple rule – if not by name, then by understanding; its basic tenet has driven the computer industry for 5...