1. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/artificial-intelligence
  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/lawbase-chatgpt-integration-brings-enhanced-reporting-capabilities/
5/23/2023 1:32:33 PM
LawBase ChatGPT integration brings enhanced reporting capabilities
Generative AI,Case management software,LawBase,ChatGPT
App Developer Magazine
Artificial Intelligence

LawBase ChatGPT integration brings enhanced reporting capabilities

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Freeman Lightner Freeman Lightner

LawBase recently integrated ChatGPT with its preeminent case and matter management software system. The generative AI capabilities have brought users enhanced reporting capabilities, and the ability to write queries that save valuable time and enable users to get to important information quicker.

LawBase, the preeminent case and matter management software system for the legal industry announced it has added generative AI capabilities within the company’s flagship and award-winning platform.

LawBase is known for incredible flexibility without sacrificing functionality, and this integration with ChatGPT adds to this unique capability. Now, users can employ generative AI to write queries that will guide them to create reports to easily access the data within the platform without sacrificing the security used to protect their data.

LawBase announces generative AI capabilities in Its leading case and matter management platform

"We are excited to be able to offer this additional layer of AI in our product. Our team has developed this to help our users get even easier access to their data without compromising the security of that data. We have always had strict security practices in place in LawBase, both functional and for the data. But now, when users are looking for information, if they have been assigned rights, they can write the query for exactly what they need and get access to that information from the system, saving valuable time and getting to the important information quickly. Using the new voice-typing feature built into Windows, a user can just talk to LawBase to find the requisite information," states Phil Homburger, president of LawBase.

While AI to provide document assembly, reporting, and an automated workflow have always been built into LawBase, with this latest integration users can get even faster access to information without the need to know exactly how to query for it.

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