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3/15/2021 10:31:51 AM
Kinetica developer edition now available
Kinetica Developer Edition,Data Warehouse Architecture
App Developer Magazine

Kinetica developer edition now available

Monday, March 15, 2021

Brittany Hainzinger Brittany Hainzinger

Kinetica developer edition is now available giving developers the ability to develop ideas and small-scale proof-of-concepts.

Kinetica announced that the Kinetica Developer Edition is now available for download. This free, easy-to-launch edition of Kinetica’s premium product gives developers, data engineers, and data architects the ability to develop ideas and small-scale proof-of-concepts without worrying about license expiration.

According to Gartner's "Top Priorities for IT: Leadership Vision for 2021," boards of directors and CEOs believe data and analytics is a game-changing technology to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis and place it as their number one priority for 2021. Increasingly, enterprises must incorporate streaming, location, and machine learning data into their data warehouse architecture. With the Kinetica Developer Edition, developing analytics applications for data processing, exploration, and visualization is fast and easy, giving developers more time for writing code instead of building data pipelines.

“Our streaming data warehouse was purpose-built for complex advanced analytics, whether that's real-time financial portfolio risk analysis, route optimization and network planning, or monitoring global networks of sensor data to protect the country,” said Tom Addis, CEO, Kinetica. “It has been a priority for us to provide developers with a complimentary offering to our enterprise product with no expiration date, which allows them to see the value before committing to a larger-scale PoC.”

With the Developer Edition, software engineers and data architects can ingest as much data as they want locally on their laptop, write analytic pipelines with SQL and Kinetica-native APIs, and then build custom apps to visualize the output, or send them to an analytic dashboard tool. The Developer Edition delivers the same vectorized analytics on a laptop CPU as the Enterprise Edition.

It is free to use and does not require a license or expensive hardware to start using the product. Users will have access to Kinetica’s platform on a single node running Docker, with community support.

The Kinetica Streaming Data Warehouse offers REST, native APIs in popular languages, and SQL, which means developers can use the tools they are familiar with to build richer apps quickly. It also supports a broad range of data sources, as well as real-time analytics on data as it is ingested, informing immediate business decisions. Elevating work done using Developer Edition to the Enterprise Edition is seamless and simply requires the user insert an enterprise license key.

Developer vs Enterprise Edition App Developer Magazine

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