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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/jrebel-java-productivity-tools-now-available-in-the-cloud/
6/19/2015 11:06:13 AM
JRebel Java Productivity Tools Now Available in the Cloud
Development Environment,Java Developer,Cloud Infrastructure,AWS,Red Hat,Spring Boot
App Developer Magazine

JRebel Java Productivity Tools Now Available in the Cloud

Friday, June 19, 2015

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

JRebel has announced that its productivity tool platform is now integrated with a numbers of solutions from cloud infrastructure companies (IBM, Red Hat, SAP SE, Amazon Web Services) to facilitate development and testing in the cloud for Java developers building production software. 

The JRebel platform alleviates common redeployment delays that plague Java developers, including pushing code into a test environment or restructuring the application server before being able to see the impact on the code changes. 

Developers can now use JRebel to write code and test their services in a production-like environment in the cloud without the need for application server restarts.  JRebel now comes pre-configured to run on IBM Cloud, Red Hat OpenShift, SAP HANA Cloud Platform and AWS without any additional software required.

With JRebel, developers benefit from integrations with nearly 100 frameworks including Spring Boot and the latest versions of application servers including WildFly/EAP, WebLogic and WebSphere Liberty. Regardless of the chosen technology stack, developers can now reload individual changes to class structures, resources and framework configurations in the cloud instead of having to do a full application restart.  

With JRebel’s remoting capabilities, a local copy of the application is available on the desktop IDE, leaving dependencies and hardware requirements in the cloud. On the backend, JRebel encrypts and moves files without firewall or proxy issues. With a refresh of the browser, developers can see code changes in the cloud instantly with minimal impact on performance and all the economic advantages of using a cloud-based infrastructure.

Benefits include:

- Get a full development environment in minutes – avoid hours of installation and configuration.

- Access your development projects from anywhere with an internet connection.

- Scale as you go for storage, workload capacity and software.

- Add new team members with full dev access in minutes with no installation and configuration

- Secure and scalable development environment – copy application locally, leave dependencies and hardware requirements in the cloud.

Read more: http://zeroturnaround.com/software/jrebel-cloud/

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