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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/ibm's-z15-launches-with-data-privacy-passports/
9/13/2019 9:38:40 AM
IBM's z15 launches with Data Privacy Passports
z15,Data Privacy Passports,Cloud-Native Environments,IBM
App Developer Magazine

IBM's z15 launches with Data Privacy Passports

Friday, September 13, 2019

Freeman Lightner Freeman Lightner

With the completion of IBM's acquisition of Red Hat, IBM has announced Data Privacy Passports.

Against a backdrop of global privacy breaches, with the cost of each security breach in the U.S. clocking in on avg $8.2 million, IBM launched "z15", the enterprise platform that delivers the ability to fully manage the privacy of customer data across hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

As part of the launch, IBM is announcing Data Privacy Passports, where clients can control data in two ways: first, the new enterprise platform also encrypts data anywhere the data resides. Second, z15 allows users to control who gets access to data via policy-based controls, with the capability to track and, in an industry-first, instantly revoke access to a company's data held by partners in its supply chain.

This directly addresses one of the biggest vulnerabilities in data privacy: the movement of data between partners and third parties. In 2018, 60% of enterprises reported that they've experienced a data breach caused by a third-party or a vendor.

IBM is also announcing a new high-end, enterprise storage system, the IBM DS8900F specifically designed for mission-critical hybrid, multi-cloud environments. The next generation of IBM DS8900F storage systems delivers comprehensive next-level cybersecurity, data availability and system resiliency. Z clients now have a new level of control to store their data, while always keeping it resilient, available, and at the highest performance in the industry.

The overall direction of Z, securing privacy, driving cloud-native development, and ensuring rapid recovery is a direct reflection of the Red Hat acquisition and IBM's commitment to empowering customers in a hybrid and multi-cloud environment. 

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