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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/gps-tracking-covid-19-coronavirus-using-chirp-app/
4/8/2020 7:00:27 AM
GPS tracking COVID-19 Coronavirus using Chirp app
Corona Virus Tracking,COVID-19 Tracking
App Developer Magazine
Business of Apps

GPS tracking COVID-19 Coronavirus using Chirp app

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Brittany Hainzinger Brittany Hainzinger

Developers of the Chirp GPS location app uses the power of their system along with a few simple questions to alert users where and when COVID-19 Coronavirus people are.

The popular GPS tracking app - Chirp GPS has stepped up their game in the fight against Coronavirus COVID-19. They have enabled a feature in their location sharing app that asks users some simple questions when they launch the app, “Are you infected with COVID-19, are you recovering from COVID-19, are you feeling sick or feeling well?”

The results get sent anonymously to cloud servers, then used to help others using Chirp GPS to know when they are in the proximity of a COVID-19 infected person or if they are around an area someone infected has been.

The service is being offered free to anyone wanting to use it.

“It seems like a simple thing to do -just ask someone if they are sick? But when coupled with the power of a robust GPS tracking service like Chirp GPS, we can empower people to know when they are at a higher risk to get infected themselves”, said a Chirp GPS spokesperson.

The questions are voluntary and only asked once daily when you launch the app. When you answer the questions, you agree to share a very small portion of your location history with others - utterly anonymous of course. All another user will know is “someone around you has Coronavirus”.

The actual alerts get down to within 100 feet of accuracy, so the next time you head out the door to get supplies, you might consider downloading the Chirp GPS location sharing app to steer clear of possibly infected places.

You can download Chirp GPS for free from the iOS app store or the Google Play store 

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