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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/fullarmor-hybrid-api-platform-to-support-connecting-to-ad-in-the-cloud/
11/19/2015 10:01:29 AM
FullArmor Hybrid API Platform to Support Connecting to AD in the Cloud
HAPI,Cloud Active Directory,FullArmor
App Developer Magazine
FullArmor Hybrid API Platform to Support Connecting to AD in the Cloud


FullArmor Hybrid API Platform to Support Connecting to AD in the Cloud

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

FullArmor has released its Hybrid API (HAPI) platform which provides the ability for developers to integrate direct authentication and access capabilities for on-premise Active Directory (AD) infrastructures into their cloud and mobile apps.

Using the HAPI platform, apps can support Active Directory login, provision/deprovision users and groups, and connect to internal, on-premise resources including file shares, SharePoint, SQL and more.

The platform addresses an ongoing challenge for developers to connect cloud and mobile applications to Active Directory without establishing a VPN connection or requiring customers to deploy a Microsoft ADFS server. 

Through its set of APIs, HAPI facilitates the ability for developers to integrate and provide a direct connection to Active Directory by enabling cloud and mobile applications to support log-in into AD, gather user/group information from AD, access internal files from the cloud without requiring a VPN, run a workflow from an on-premise instance of SharePoint, or print to a local printer from a mobile device.

The HAPI Platform APIs allow developers to:

- Enhance Cloud and mobile apps with the capability for users to login to on premise Active Directory instances.

- Make it possible for cloud and mobile apps to directly query and provision/deprovision AD user/group information without the security concerns and latency associated with syncing.

- Eliminate the need to rely on VPNs or third party Identity providers to connect to on-premise AD infrastructures. The HAPI Gateway serves as a dynamic and scalable identity/authentication/access provider.

- Support hybrid access to both Active Directory and Cloud directory resources.

Developers can explore the full set of HAPI’s APIs via FullArmor’s Swagger site and the SDK on GitHub.

Read more: http://fullarmorhapi.com/demo-home/hapi-developers...

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