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7/25/2014 2:30:52 PM
ComponentOne Releases New Suite of Data and UI Controls for Microsoft Visual Studio
WinForms, WPF data grids, HTML5 development, data visualization controls, web forms, WinRT XAML
App Developer Magazine

ComponentOne Releases New Suite of Data and UI Controls for Microsoft Visual Studio

Friday, July 25, 2014

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

ComponentOne, a division of GrapeCity, has released ComponentOne Studio Enterprise 2014 v2, a suite of data and UI controls for Microsoft Visual Studio, including Windows Desktop, Windows Store, and HTML5. 

The highlights of the 2014 v2 release include new and enhanced data visualization controls for the Web and new controls for the Windows Store to help developers display and manage appointment data in their apps.

The 2014 v2 Studio Enterprise release features a new Sparkline control for HTML5 and Web Forms, Entity Framework 6 support for the Windows Desktop platforms, Chart and Grid export in HTML5 and Web Forms, offline Maps for WinRT XAML, a new Windows 8 Scheduler, and a new RadialMenu for WPF and Silverlight.

With Sparkline ComponentOne has created a control that permits the visualization of trends even in the smallest spaces with ComponentOne Sparkline. Data trends are displayed at a glance in dashboards, lists, grids, and inline text. Sparkline was developed to be used in Web Forms, MVC, or JavaScript/HTML5 apps to help user’s turn data into a format suitable for decision making.

ComponentOne has also updated their Entity Framework DataSource components to support the latest version of Entity Framework 6.x. The C1DataSource control adds performance enhancements including data virtualization to WinForms and WPF data grids.

The new ComponentOne Scheduler for WinRT XAML provides drag-and-drop scheduling control with in-line editing, to allow developers to build their own appointment scheduling apps. Schedule one-time, all day, or recurring appointments with reminders, labels, and availability status. The company's website hosts a video that shows how users can perform data binding, and interact with the new Scheduler for WinRT XAML control.

Other enhancements and additions to the Studio Enterprise 2014 v2 release include the newly enhanced C1Maps control for WinRT with offline mapping support, touch-enabled radial menus for WPF and Silverlight applications and the ability to export data from Web Forms, MVC, and JavaScript/HTML5 Grid and Chart controls to save as PDF files, PNG files, or Microsoft Excel documents.

The company offers no-charge, 30-day trials of each of its component suites.

Read more: http://www.componentone.com/SuperPages/PressReleas...

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